Broken Design
Have you ever wondered why people are so messed up and life is so futile?
If you assume there is no god (or like most folks just don’t want to think about it) and evolution and the Big Bang explains all of existence, what difference does it make really? If everything came from nothing and everything is going back to nothing then nothingness should be the pinnacle of life itself. If nothingness is not satisfying to your soul, if you suspect or even just desire there to be more to life you might consider this.
If creation and life is not a giant cosmic accident then logically creation and life must be by design. The first cause, of necessity, must be uncaused, self existent, all powerful and eternal. Assuming such a being existed in and of himself/herself/itself…(can we just use the generic he) and assuming he designed and created all we see, it begs the question why. Why would he create all this and most importantly to me why ME? Is my life as I am experiencing it what the creator had in mind? Did something get broken somewhere along the line? The condition of the world suggests and that something may have gone wrong somewhere. Some scientists and politicall motivated individuals insist the world is teetering on the edge of collapse and in desperate need of repair before it is to late. Their questionable observations and motives aside, a blend of oil, ozone and Osama suggests to me the scientists and politicians just might be right (but what do I know?). What I am an authority on is me. I know I must be broken, at least in some ways. If nothingness were the real natural answer I should desire it, seek it and be satisfied with it, but I definitely am not. I should do whatever I want and not feel guilty, but I do. I should desire less from life instead of demanding more. I should not have the un-provable certainty in my innermost private thoughts that there is more to my existence than this life, but I do.
If the world is on the edge of collapse, I am not sure. I can’t do anything about it anyway. I am sure I am broken. Is there something that can be done about me?
Do you feel it to or am I alone in this?
My homeschooling style
7 years ago
I love your method of provoking thought... oh boy... I'M GONNA LOOOOVE THIS BLOG!!!!! And you're gonna see my name here OFTEN! :) :) :) :) :) THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO THE CRY OF YOUR DAUGHTERS! :) :) :) :) :)
Yes I feel quite broken in many ways at the moment. Mostly just being on the edge of a precipice of understanding in so many spiritual areas and realizing how far I have missed the mark and not understood the truth of love. As I said yesterday, how could something so simple feel so complicated? Certainely though - the yearning is there - ever present and undeniable. But maybe in my brokenness - the light will finally shine through this shattered jar - and alas - that is just where I should be after all. Brokeness is the beginning of a brand new day isn't it?
The last post was written by Doni not Don Z. Apparently I am still logged in as you. Oops.
Was the "Obama" Bin Landen comment facetious or was that a case of your dyslexia LOL? Freudien slip maybe?
I think your dad would be so proud to read this. I know your kids will be, but the really interesting part is that it feels full circle. What Great Grandpa started with...being a "soul winner" has now continued down to this modern age and a place that can literally circle the world and the ability to impact many who might just "stop by" to read a few thoughts from a man who really is just sharing his thoughts about a God that he is still learning about and growing in and loving with all his heart!!! I love you brother, and am excited to be part of the journey.
Your sis, Beck
Welcome to the Blogging World Pastor D! Very interesting reminds me of a discussion I had with my Dad the other day. He mentioned that if God wanted a cure for cancer he would create it instantly. I told him that I absolutely agree, but I feel that God made us intelligent, complex creatures and we should use our intelligence and complexity to try to help those that are hurting on this Earth if we can.
Our minds allow us to ponder the smallest grain of sand yet many can't seem to grasp the simplest concept.....
We were created by God and he loves us UNCONDITIONALLY.
Oh man. You should have taught my introduction to philosophy class in college. We had to do some deductive reasoning on the question of whether or not there is a God. Your reasoning makes perfect sense. Perfect sense in the respect that I am there with you - I YEARN to be more than I am. To know more. To have a relationship with God. I can feel it in my body. If I were aspiring to nothingness, I could be okay with ignoring my kids and watching tv all day for example. But my soul craves more. Wow - love this!
love your thoughts jana... (alright with all our commenting... are we going to be asking for a discussion with papa forum too? one step at a time heidi jo... one step at a time. :) )
Whoa! You've been busy. I can't wait to dive in.
wow dad you can write. You did not pass that on to your second son. Im still stuck on Jesus loves me but im sure someday i will move on to deeper thought.
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