Thursday, January 22, 2009

Deanna and I both listened to my lungs "sing" when I exhaled last night but I feel better. Given the choice, walking pneumonia (if that's what it is) seems better than a head cold anyway. I have no idea if I was on tune or not becasue I did not recognize the song. Anyway I am feeling some better. I was awakended early this AM by a "problem" phone call and the caller asked me what my plan was for resolution. Actually, like most things a plan would be no more than a guess at this point becasue it is out of my hands. I started to get anxious about it and think about making a plan, since that's what I am expcted to do. The familiar anxious feelings began to creep in and we all know where that goes so I decided, NO, I am not going to make up a plan. Father will have to do whatever he decides is best. Doesen't He say to cast all my cares on him and He will supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus and to be anxious for NOTHING? I turned to my normal reading and Andrew Murray's devotional for this AM was titled: "Am I Looking To God?" So I guess that is the word for today.

Would you remember Dee's mom Lorine in prayer. She is having oral surgery today and it did not sound all that pleasant. It is obvious where Deanna gets her beautiful hair from, isn't it?
UPDATE: Mom is home from the surgery and appears to be doing well. Dee and Beck are staying with her tonight just for precaution. Thanks foy your prayers.

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